28 April 2012

VIDEO: GP+ North loop

Went up to the 'Ring again. First time out there on the new Coilovers. I have to say it was a massive improvement over the last time I went. Oh and they had the full track open at the time. The GP and the north loop 15.2 miles of awesome.

25 April 2012

Sunday Hoonage

Playing around with the car after getting the coil overs set how I wanted them.

22 April 2012

This is my job I do this on Tuesday

So I sorta started up a business to make money on the side rolling car fenders. Its been going pretty good. I have been making about 200-300 bucks a month extra doing simple rolls and pulls for people. My Buddy Alan has been helping me out and we even started a Facebook page for it. Please like us on face book @ O&S Auto.