14 February 2018

I still suck at Drifting, I should just quit

Nah I don't think I'm that bad honestly but I am definitely rusty after not having driven for so long. I really want to get back into the swing of things. Just can't really afford it at the moment. I didn't go to the event thinking I was going to drift the FRS on track but when you run the damn show and no one is there to stop you its hard to resist. Only did a couple laps because I didn't bring tires to the track to swap out, ended up still having to drive home on a spare after this run. 

Event day, Doing drift stuff out at Auburndale speedway

13 February 2018

08 February 2018

More Spension Learnin'

Pure Rocketry out'chere

Lemie learn ya some Spension

Local Drift Day at Orlando Speed World, Lots of BMW's

Vlog about my day like every other retard on YouJizz

Learning you sum suspension stuff

I visit Radhabits a local Miata custom shop

Short Vlog about SLRspeed parts

How to weld Razor Blades together, you know... for practice or something