About me

Hi my name is Paul "Piner" Otlewski. My hobbies consist of mostly being loud and annoying but when I am not doing that I like to consider myself a decent performance driver with drifting being my main discipline. I try to get out to drift events when ever I can.  I like to eat delicious animals and blow shit up too.

I also organize drift events at Auburndale speedway in central Florida, work at SLRspeed and am a part time metal fabricator/welder on the side. 

I currently live live in Lakeland Florida. It's not bad, I like it for the most part.

I also would like to make this blog better so if you have any suggestions please feel free let me know what you think.

and here is me riding a ridiculously awesome bike.


1 comment:

  1. Paul,

    This is JonnySlick from DriftCentral.com remembeer me? Hit me up on FaceBook: Jonathan Robertson Las Vegas
