Yeah, so far I have been here 3 months and I have noticed some trends here in korea. Their cars tend to be pretty riced out, but most all of them have what would be pretty legit wheels in the states except for their sizing. They tend to run 15's and 16's predominantly but they are work's ray's gram light's volk's BBS's advan's.
Here are some examples
This car i saw in the parking lot of E-mart

korean's seem to like putting very long engrish sayings on the their cars

Its sitting on a set of Gram lights but with weird positive camber in the front and really an overall weak stance seems to be the norm here.


Knock off works

This car is owned by an American who works on base, I haven't met him yet but his car is pretty funny looking although it fits in with the ricey stuff that rolls down the streets here.
On the other end of the spectrum are the random dope cars I see, one of the cool things I noticed is I have been seeing quite a few kia forte's with dry carbon fiber roof skins. I am not sure if it is a factory option since I have seen very stock looking examples with CF roof's. Seems extravagant to go for that right from the get go.

this forte was mean as hell looking.

this car surprised me, a set of decent fitting(for korea) BBS LM wheels. Thats a big chunk of change just in wheels right there.

And this Z4 was riding around on work VS's

I have also been seeing a small number of Vip style cars popping up, most of them are still pretty high off the ground or kinda wack but this one was very clean and the best example I have seen here to date


I also saw this display in the yongson subway terminal advertising the fact that formula 1 is coming to south korea in october. I can't wait.