When I arrived at Seoul Station, I walked outside and I saw this group of people holding some interesting looking signs.

They posed a bit and smiled but the guy on the far left seemed a bit mad asking me "Why you take picture!?" I don't know what his problem was, hell I don't even know what the signs even say. I also saw this and I thought it was kinda cool since the formula 1 race here in SoKo is only 2 weeks away.

I was later disappointed to find out that it was advertising for the following day where F1 cars would be doing a demo run down Seoul's downtown streets, a fact I was unaware of. I am sad I didn't go.
Then I walked around and found a store and pretty much half of it was all Gundam models. I thought it was pretty cool since I used to be really into this stuff. There was stuff I wanted to buy pretty bad actually but I restrained myself since I didn't need to spend needlessly.

I wanted this bad as I am a pretty big Evangelion fan.
I then got in a cab and asked to go to to the tower and I met a cabbie that actually spoke decent English and drove like well.... a Korean cabbie, batshit crazy. I am serious when I say this country does not believe in traffic laws. I am sure they have them but it doesn't seem like anyone follows them. Oddly though I have been here 6 months and have not seen a single traffic accident.
Anyways as I neared the summit, I was consummately dumped off by my driver. I was met with this amazingly steep ass hill to walk up. It was literally a workout getting up it. The pictures do not show how steep it really is.

Then I proceeded to take a bunch of pictures of things I thought were relevant but they came out like crap due to the fact that I am a shitty photographer.

I found some amusing engrish.

There was this interesting fixture on the ground

I also thought this was cool, it appears its a custom when coming to the tower to bring a lock and attach it to the railing or these christmas tree looking things.

Yes I am so fat I broke the bench.

Here is the tower, pretty isn't it...

..too bad it cost money to go up in it and well I am a cheap bastard.

Well I have more to post but I am sorta tired right now so I'll just leave you with this parting shot I took in a book store.

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